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百闽人生网 > 公务员考试 > 名企招聘 > 雅培血管仪器部2016校园招聘公告



关 于 雅 培
雅培全球将近69,000位雅培人在大约150个国家,以多元化的业务为全世界的人们以及他们所在的各个生命阶段提供多样化的解决方案。 雅培在中国开展业务近20年,为中国消费者提供各种营养品、药品和医疗产品。目前,雅培除了在上海设立了中国总部之外,还建立了10个办事处、3家工厂和2个研发中心,拥有4,000多名员工。 

关 于 雅 培 血 管 仪 器 部
Abbott Vascular Brief Introduction
Abbott Vascular, a division of Abbott, is one of the world"s leading vascular care businesses. Abbott Vascular is uniquely focused on transforming the treatment of vascular disease and improving patient care by combining the latest medical device innovations with world-class pharmaceuticals, investing in research and development and advancing medicine through training and education.
Abbott Vascular ‘s headquartered in Santa Clara, California, Worldwide, more than 8,000 employees employ their talents and skills as part of Abbott Vascular"s global organization, furthering Abbott"s position as one of the world"s leading vascular care companies. 
Abbott Vascular is a global leader in cardiac and vascular care with market-leading products and an industry-leading pipeline. Abbott Vascular offers a comprehensive device portfolio, including products for coronary artery disease, carotid artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, structural heart disease and vessel closure to both physicians and patients.
雅培血管仪器部的冠脉产品始终处于行业领先地位之一。作为全球多样化医疗保健公司——雅培大家庭的重要成员之一 ,雅培血管仪器部专注于提供创新技术改善医生治疗血管疾病的方法,并显著提高对患者的护理水平。
招 聘 职 位

职 位 : Sales Representative
人 数:若干
地 点 : 上海,厦门,重庆,北京,武汉,合肥,济南,石家庄,郑州,南宁,广州,南京
部 门 : 血管仪器部

Bachelor Degree or above. Major in Medicine, Pharmaceutical, biological science or related fields
• Manage sales territories to sell product in vascular area.
• Provide technical support at every point of sales & marketing activities.
• Become knowledgeable of major product lines.
• Understand and communicate customer requirements and interact with customers, grow new clients as well as manage andretain the current customer base.
• Serve also as the point of contact for pre-sales support issues, and post-sales support issues, including status of coplaints/problems, special deals, follow-up with customers’ orders, etc.
• Bachelor Degree or above. Major in Medicine, Pharmaceutical, Biological Science or related fields.
• Ability to work under pressure, positive attitude, multi-task, prioritize and goal-focused.
• Strong negotiation skills, service-minded , customer orientation.
• Good in Mandarin and English.
• Microsoft is needed (word, excel, power point etc.)
• Mobility: 30% or above.

职 位 : Marketing Assistant(上海)
人 数:1人
地 点 : 上海
部 门 : 血管仪器部

Bachelor’s degree
• Plan and drive to work towards achieving company vision, objectives as well as divisional mission and strategies.
• Coordinate travel arrangement (visa / other entry requirement, airticket, hotel and transportation) for overseas guests and business executives / associates.
• Coordinate Marketing initiated overseas / domestic industry meeting sponsorship for physicians. 
• Prepare the internal planning for related marketing activites, follow-up with the appropriate approval and payment.
• Check detailed billing from vendor.
• Assist the managers proactively and effectively in order to relieve them from admin tasks.
• Follow up with team on timely submission of reports.
• Assist team for effectively rolling out marketing activities.
• Provide support and keep appropriate documentation for department management.
• Manage the distribution, inventory and storage of the marketing materials.
• Coordinate with OEC & Finance/Admin. and train the team in order to comply with related policies.
• Monthly tracking for department expenses, including OPEX and traveling.
• Answer the general telephone incoming calls, and the main door bell when the office assistant is not available.
• Able to communicate effectively with all levels of staff.
• Must be a team-player, cross-culturally sensitive, independent, mature and attention to details.
• Able to work under pressure with good analystical skills and able to meet deadline on assigned projects.
• Able to handle confidential data and tight schedule.
• Good time management and communication ability.
• Language Skills:Excellent spoken and written English and local language.
• Computer Skills: Excellent computer skills in MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Outlook scheduling.

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