乱七八糟:At sixes and sevens

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乱七八糟:At sixes and sevens

  At sixes and sevens

  【英文解释】in a state of confusion


  【短语来源】The pips on a dice,and later on playing cards,used to be numbered in an approximation to French:ace(which is still used in card-playing),deuce,trey(both of which persisted into the 21st century),quatre,cinq(ue) and sice.To set (all) on cinque and sice meant literally to gamble on the highest numbers and figuratively to behave recklessly.

  In the course of time,the literal meanings of cinque and sice were forgotten:cinqu(pronounced "sink") was incorrectly anglicised as six,so sice bacame seven and the whole phrase gradually assumed its familiar from.

  From the earlier association with reckiess behaviour came the idea that things in disorder were at sixes and sevens.



  【学以致用】The students dormitories are rather at sixs and sevens.


  Things are at sixs and sevens.


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本文标题:乱七八糟:At sixes and sevens