你持有的是 The lion‘s share 吗?

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你持有的是 The lion‘s share 吗?


  短语“狮子的份额The lion"s share”意思就是最大份额或最大的一份。


  The lion"s share of my budget is spent on mortgage payments.

  Although nowadays most women have jobs, they still find themselves doing the lion"s share of the work when they get home.


  在英语里可以用a "lion"s den" 来形容危险之地或危险局面。

  A: Today I"m going into the lion"s den to ask for a pay rise.

  B: You mean the boss"s office? Good luck!


  Female lions do most of the hunting. They hunt animals like antelope, zebra and wildebeest. Related female lions live together in groups called "prides" with a smaller number of male lions. These male lions compete fiercely for possession of the females.

  母狮子做大部分的狩猎。他们猎杀的对象包括羚羊,斑马和角马等。有血缘关系的母狮都群居一起,其中也包括少数的雄狮,这在英语里叫 "prides" 狮群。这些雄狮会为了占有母狮而进行激烈的竞争。

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