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百闽人生网 > 考研频道 > 模拟试题答案 > 2017年考研《英语二》大作文范文(文都版)


 Part B

  48. Directions:

  Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should

  1)interpret the chart,and

  2)give your comments.

  You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)



  Based upon the data of the chart, it can be seen that the number of museums in China has been on a steady rise. In the year of 2013, the number of museums was only about 416.5 million, while, within no more than two years, it went up to 467.9 million in 2015. What’s more, an increasing number of visitors come to museums as time goes on, which ascended from 637.8 million to 781.1 million during the same period.

  It is no difficult to come up with several possible factors accounting for the increasing number of . At the top of the list, according to a recent survey, about 55% respondents think that the improvement of the standard and level of knowledge has become necessary in their life, especially for current undergraduates of our country. Another equally vital point to be considered is that the improvement of people’s better living level provides more chances for modern residents to visit museums. Last but not the least, residents’ emphasis on spare-time life also contribute to the trend described in the line chart.

  Considering what has been argued so far, we could safely come to the conclusion that the trend is no exception So it is advised that people should spend more time to visit museums to enrich their life and historical knowledge.

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